Lund High-Power Laser Facility @ LLC

The Lund high-power laser facility, founded in 1992, is one of the leading facilities in Europe for high-intensity laser-matter interactions, attosecond science and short-wavelength laser spectroscopy. Being a spearhead of the Lund Laser Centre, which is a European Major Research Infrastructure, this Facility is open not only to Swedish scien­tists, but also to scientists from the rest of Europe.

Key laser systems

Terawatt Laser

Laser type: Ti:Sapphire CPA
Parameter summary: 10 Hz, 800 nm, 40 fs, 1.5 J


Laser system used for high-intensity experiments and particle acceleration. A low energy arm (at the level of 100 mJ) is used for generation of intense harmonics and attosecond pulses.

kHz Laser

Laser type: Ti:Sa CPA
Parameter summary: 1 kHz, tunable around 800 nm, 20 fs, 5 mJ


“Work horse” of attosecond research in Lund during the last 10 years. CEP-stable and since the last upgrade tunable around 800 nm. Also equipped with a TOPAS to obtain different wavelengths.


Laser type: OPCPA
Parameter summary: 200 kHz, 7 fs, 10 uJ


New laser system based on OPCPA, with rod-type fiber pump lasers. CEP-stable.

Key experimental stations

High-Intensity XUV Beamline


  • Type of experiment: Gas-phase spectroscopy
  • Description: Based on high-order harmonic generation (HHG) in a long focusing regime for the generation of intense XUV attosecond pulses.
  • Beam parameters: 10 Hz, 10-50 eV photon energy, 20 fs, 40 nJ
  • Auxiliary equipment: Double velocity map imaging spectrometer (VMI), pulsed molecular beam source, VUV and XUV photon spectrometers, X-ray CCD camera, XUV wavefront sensor. Split-and-delay unit for XUV-XUV pump-probe experiments.
  • Contact person: Per Johnsson

Ultrahigh intensity laser physics


  • Type of experiment: Laser-plasma physics and particle acceleration
  • Description: Two separate target areas and target chambers, devoted to ultra-intense laser-plasma physics using gas targets (e.g. electron acceleration) and solid targets (e.g. proton acceleration)
  • Beam parameters: 10 Hz, 800 nm, 35 fs, 1.0 J on target
  • Auxiliary equipment: Diagnostics equipment for detection and characterisation of energetic electron, proton and x-ray pulses.
  • Contact persons: Claes-Göran Wahlström, Olle Lundh