Joint activities

  • Laserlab Sweden Day

    7. October 2022 Laserlab Sweden Day took place after the Optics and Photonics in Sweden (OPS-2022) conference in Umeå. All LLS nodes around Sweden presented an overview of their activities and some experiments were presented in more detail by PhD students as well as invited experienced scientist. There were also visits to the various laboratories in Umeå. Some photos from the LLS day are shown here:

    The detailed program is available here:
LaserLab Sweden Day 2022 10 07.pdf
  • Ph. D Course in experimental laser physics
    Laserlab-Sweden ran its first PhD course in experimental laser physics 2019. Ten students, two from each node, participated and visited the various nodes for two or three day long periods. In April, they visited Lund and performed half day long labs in the field of “Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF)” and “Atoms in strong laser fields”. In May, they went to Umeå and performed laboratory sessions dealing with issues such as “Temporal characterization of few-cycle laser pulses” and “Generation of Sidebands by the use of an Electro-Optic Modulator (EOM)”. In October, the were in Stockholm and Uppsala for a three day activity addressing concepts such as “Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy”, “Ultrafast electron microscopy” , and “Time, energy and momentum resolved study of Graphene band structure”. At the end of the year, in November, they gathered in Göteborg, performing laboratory sessions with “Nanosecond transient absorption and emission”, “Vibrational coupling and vibrational energy transfer observed with 2D IR spectroscopy”, and “Optical levitation”. At each visit, the students took the opportunity to get together in common site-node dinners in which they could meet and exchange ideas and opinions about the laboratory sessions performed as well as their situations as PhD students. The course was well received among the PhD students, since they also got to tie band to students from different disciples and universities.
    A similar course was started in 2020. However, after the first visit in February 2020 to the Stockholm/Uppsala nodes, the rest of the course was postponed due to the Covid-19 outbreak. The course is to be resumed either in late spring or early fall of 2022 dependent on how the pandemic develops.
  • Laszlo Veisz from Laserlab Umeå and Dag Hanstorp from Laserlab Gothenburg have together with Mattias Marklund from University of Gothenburg form a network which has been awarded a prestigious research environment grant of 18 MSEK from the Swedish Research Council for the project Relativistic Nanophotonics. The grant was one of only nine grants awarded in the field of science and technology. The idea behind this project came up during a meeting with Laserlab Sweden in Lund in 2018.
  • Olle Lundh from Lund Laser Centre and Laszlo Veisz from Laserlab Umeå have managed to generate a well collimated femtosecond X-ray source within a cooperation started on a Laserlab Sweden meeting. The results have been published in Nature Physics:
    Here is also a popular science summary: