Laser type: YAG-pumped OPO Parameter summary: 6ns, 10 Hz, 220-2000 nmMaster Oscillator (MOPO) system pumped by trippled output from YAG laser. Equipped with frequency doubly option for prduction of light in the UV region.
Laservision ns system
Laser type: YAG-pumped OPO Parameter summary: 6ns, 10 Hz, 1350-5000 nmOPO system pumped by injection seeding of the fundamental output from an Nd:YAG laser. Produces laser light in the IR spectral region.
Clark fs system
Laser type: YAG-pumped amplied fs system Parameter summary: 30 fs, 1 kHz, 470-1600 nmAmplified fs system equipped with a OPO system (NOPA)
Laser type: YAG-pumped DFG/OPA system Parameter summary: 2600-3600 nm och 5500-7100 nmDifference Frequency Generation/Optical Parameteric Amplifier system for generation of light in the mid infrared wavelength region.
GUNILLA (Gothenburg Univeristy Negative Ion Laser Laboratory)
Type of experiment: Interaction of laser light with negative ions in beams
Description: Ion beam appartus used for photdetachment studies of negative ions.
Beam parameters: Depending on the laser system
Auxiliary equipment:
Laser-ion beam interaction regions equipped with netural atom detectors, A Rydberg atom detecor and and a Photodetachment Electron Angular Resolved Linear Spectrometer (PEARLS)