Combustion Laser Laboratory @ LLC

Key laser systems

fs-laser system

Laser type: Ti:Sa + dual OPAs
Parameter summary: Pump laser: 10 Hz, 800 nm, 125 fs, 60 mJ. OPAs: tunable 200-1600 nm


Laser system for development of non-linear spectroscopic techniques.

ps-laser system

Laser type: Nd:YAG + dual OPG/OPA
Parameter summary: Pump laser: 10 Hz, 1064 nm (+2nd, 3rd, 4th harm.), 30/80 ps, 200/1000 mJ. OPG/OPAs: tunable 200-2200 nm


Laser system for development of spectroscopic techniques.

ns-Nd:YAG lasers

Laser type: Nd:YAG
Parameter summary: 10 Hz, 1064 nm (+2nd, 3rd, 4th harm.), 5-10 ns, 0.8-1.5 J (at 1064 nm).

"Work horse" laser, often used to pump dye lasers or OPOs. There are ~10 such lasers available at the Div. of Combustion Physics, LU

Pulsed dye lasers

Laser type: Dye laser
Parameter summary: Often 10 Hz, tunable UV/vis/NIR

Versatlile tunable lasers for spectroscopy and imaging. There are ~5 dye lasers at the Div. of Comb. Physics, LU

Pulsed OPOs

Laser type: OPO
Parameter summary: "4 Nd:YAG lasers in one box", providing bursts, each containing 8 pulses of up to 100 kHz rep. rate. 1064/532/355/266 nm.

Versatlile tunable lasers for spectroscopy and imaging. There are ~5 OPOs at the Div. of Comb. Physics, LU

Multi-Nd:YAG cluster

Laser type: OPO
Parameter summary: Nd:YAG

There are two Multi-YAG lasers at the Div. of Combustion Physics, LU.

Key experimental stations

High-pressure combustion rig

  • Type of experiment: Gas-phase spectroscopy and imaging
  • Description: The high pressure combustion test rig is designed for studies of gas turbine and jet engine related combustion at elevated pressure.
  • Beam parameters: Depending on the laser system
  • Auxiliary equipment: The rig is designed with access for laser/optical diagnostics.
  • Contact person: Marcus Aldén