Chalmers laboratory for time resolved spectroscopy @ LLG

Key laser systems

Femtosecond TA

Laser type: Ti:Sa + OPAs
Parameter summary: 1 kHz, 800 nm, 130 fs, 1mJ, (240-1400 nm from OPAs)

 9 Femtosecond TA systemJPG

Laser system used for time-resolved transient absorption in visible and near-IR regions. CCD detctor syncronised to measure two full spectra per duty cycle (i.e. 2x1 kHz).

Picosecond fluorescence

Laser type: Ti:Sa + SHG/THG + OPO
Parameter summary: 80 MHz, 740-1080 nm, 1 ps, 17 nJ (at 800 nm), 250-540 nm from SHG/THG, 500-740 nm from OPO

 10 Picosecond emission systemJPG

Widely used laser-system for picosecond fluorescence decays. Two detection systems: (1) Time-correlated single photon couting with micro channel plate photomultipliers giving time resolution down to about 25 ps and (2) streak camera system for array detection and time-resolution down to about 1 ps. Pulse-picker for slower rep. rate is availble.

Nanosecond flash photolysis

Laser type: YAG + OPO (410-750 nm)
Parameter summary: 10 Hz, 7 ns, 160 mJ @355 more at 1064 and 532 nm, 266 nm also availble

 11Nanoseond laser systemJPG

Transient absorption and emission on > 10 ns time-scales. Three detection systems availble: (1) gated ICCD camera, (2) monochromator/photomultiplier and (3) balanced photo diodes (high sensitivity slower resonse)

Key experimental stations

Femtosecond transient absorption

  • Type of experiment: Liquid samples or solid films
  • Description: Versatile system to cover wide range of pump and probe wavelengths
  • Beam parameters: 1 kHz, 800 nm, 130 fs, 1mJ, (240-1400 nm from OPAs)
  • Auxiliary equipment: Cryostats for 2K-300 K experiments
  • Contact person: Bo Albinsson

Time-resolved fluorescence

  • Type of experiment: Liquid samples or solid films
  • Description: -
  • Beam parameters: 80 MHz, 740-1080 nm, 1 ps, 17 nJ (at 800 nm), 250-540 nm from SHG/THG, 500-740 nm from OPO
  • Auxiliary equipment: Cryostats for 2K-300 K experiments
  • Contact person: Bo Albinsson

Nanosecond flash photolysis

  • Type of experiment: Liquid samples or solid films
  • Description: -
  • Beam parameters: 10 Hz, 7 ns, 160 mJ @355 more at 1064 and 532 nm, 266 nm also availble
  • Auxiliary equipment: Cryostats for 2K-300 K experiments
  • Contact person: Bo Albinsson